My PiGGiE is growing!!!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Just a thought.

This question suddenly raided when I was busy swapping locum with sister.

Owh well......

It's because she feels uncomfortable being with a 'so called stranger' after not seeing each other for a few months.


So, I thought...

'What if I meet sister again after a year? Will she avoid seeing me just like how she did to this so called stranger?'


It's an interesting question that I wished to find answer.
Err... Again, I am being reminded of 'be careful of what u wished for, you just might get it all...'

And sister is worse than Mel, I guess Mel holds the better role in keeping in touch with Old friends.
Hahahaha. Something that is very unpredictable.hahahaha!

Again, when will I get down from sister's train? Or when will she get down from my train and board to another's train? I don't know.

One thing I wish is that when she gets to board into my train again after a long period of time being in another person's train, I still hope that she will still feel like home. Because so far, those who boarded my train has never fail to feel warmth when they board my train again!:) haha. Self praise. Lol.

Love her to bits!^^

We won't know what will happen down the road. I'm just gonna walk by faith. That's all.


Today off day, contented. Why? Because I get to catch up with people that I don't get to catch up frequently, was on the phone almost the whole day.
Face time, phone calls... 


Fiona-->my ji mui
Sher-->my dearest, like my family member.
Pumpkin--> my precious, my little sister. Very close to heart sister.

Anyhow, I feel very sweet today, cuz.... Sister cooked..!T_T!

So touched wei... 

And she made me honey drinks... T_T

All made from love. 

God, can you please don't take this girl away from me? And don't take me away from her?
If we were to part, let us part with a godly way, and not all in a sudden?

At least pull the honk when the train is about to stop so that we could unboard the train safely, and happily?
And.. Bless us with a safe and happy  journey in life as we board to another train in our lives!

I commit this relationship onto your hand, and whatever happens, I know that You reign.^^


I will overdose myself with diphenhydramine syrup so that I can sleep longer without interruptions..(cough)

Good day!!!!^^

Signing off.

Isaiah 41:10

*killed siu keong with my barefoot* T_T 
I miss you bro.... T_T

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