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Friday, October 22, 2010

anime/ emotional/ quotes by Him


daphne in the Brilliant blue.


I din knw this anime is damn funny and awesome! =) hahaha!!!


ok, I’m now cracking my head through my antivirus. Sigh…. sooner or later i have to do it, so i decided to do it now.


My day, okay.. consider productive. I just wish that i have someone to eat dinner with me…. =(


Chatted with my pamelo. He is having first paper 2mr. All the best yo!!! hahaha!!!!

Well, it was a long day, and so far, i;ve completed 3 sets of japan anime series, and i only watch a few minutes of episodes. surprisingly, i can understand the story. hahahaha!! cool right?

The anime i introduce above is a good one, funny… hahaha! and the girls are sexy, their technology very advance!!! most important is the story line, not boring at all. =)

i realize almost all anime i watched are nice!! including the others. =)

i really hope my new antivirus can be installed successfully. Just restarted my girlfren… mmm….. performing scan now.'


I’m gonna fall sick i think. Drank whole packet of hor yan hor… and… i thinik i’m going to have enuf sleep this time. I havent been sleeping with my lights off since Monday. today, i’m going to do so… if not, i have bad quality of sleep!!!

study is important, health is also important. Of course, i dun wanna get sick during finals!~!!


did a facial mask yesterday at 1plus am…. i feel so unhealthy, i mean my skin. haha!!

so, today… sleep!!



i try not to think the emotional burden. To you, i might look like or i might seem like someone who should not have any worries, any feelings beside study.. but, you are wrong.

My feelings are ignored all the while. All i have been treated is being asked to back-off, take a hundred steps back to satisfy you and to grow and to be what you want me to be which i can never be! and i will never be! Call me stubborn, which i am not! i knw what i want clearly and it obviously shows that you leave me with no choice, AT ALL. so, i don’t really wanna talk about it anymore. I am so numb. might as well pull the trigger on me.  Shoot me with whatever you have. yet, I still believe that there is blessing in every step taken.

i think i better sleep. if not, volcano meets tornado.. –> disaster. Eruptions, El nina.


Say whatever you wanna say about me, do whatever you wanna do, command whatever you want me to do, or force me to do whatever that you want, i will do it! I don’t wanna have this “give up” feeling.. but i have given up on all these. I’m tired… very very tired. The cycle seems never-ending.

My fighting spirit for myself is dying… for now, i really hope i can make it through my finals. thts all.

I don’t want any more distractions. Still, i will embrace everyone around me.


numb… very numb. thousand cuts means nothing to my skin anymore… so numb……

i’m not letting go, but i give up on fighting hard. Sick of all these which it shouldnt be a problem at all but somehow someone just make it a life and death issue. I feel nauseated.


see, Devil is speaking in my mind.

This is so not me….

see, to have someone in my life to control my life. ha. ha. ha. blesssings eh? i still believe that there’s a reason for everything.


  • Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
  • Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.

These 2 quotes, by Buddha.



I appreciate Buddha’s teaching. i respect Him too. At least, by reading the articles of the 2 quotes above make me realize that Buddha doesnt emphasize on FORCING but HE emphasize in LOVE. LOVE!!! and open mind!!!


Aunty Jane –> I am spiritual, but in my own way. Materials are still tangible… still needed.

i am spiritual, too… in my own way. Nothing changed, but it has grow even stronger and deeper than it is.


good night lar. i’m so freaking tired.

tired of thinking and ranting.


pour ur salt into the lake. please……