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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

guilt from abandoning.

Looks like I’m missing out a lot in the blogging world. Owh yeah, 4th year has done me so much good and stress. I really have abandoned my blog since…… dunno when.


anyway, I’m striving my best now. 2mr is my next paper.

Summary of what I’ve been through. Hospital attachment was crazy, yet very enjoyable, that is the time I try all the good food. HAHA.

Dislike it because I need to wake up at 5am everyday, and sleep at 2-3am everyday too.

Afterall, it was the most fun moment in my life.

So, here I am now, finals.

what I’ve done? I’m living each and every single day with God’s impulse, not mine. *trying*

I guess, without prayers, I would’ve broken down long long time ago.

Well, in the midst of exam, I still get to relax, meet up with friends, take 5 for meals.. hang out a while.

This Saturday, I’ll be gg for the Juwita Suwito and Busco mini music rally. Erm, I cant wait actually, because Juwita Suwito is such a honey! and I really love her voice! =)

Time flies. Half a year Gone.


Owh well, I’m going to update and recap about my life THIS YEAR soon. Why? because this year is definitely MY YEAR. A year which I am really really satisfied with. I live contentedly each and every single day.. seriously, NO REGRET!


There are so much more things in life which is more important that what we can see. I comprehend this sentence very well, but it seriosuly took me SHITTY EXPERIENCE to UNDERSTAND this phrase. haha.

Life is awesome.


And.. one thing I realize, my priority in Life has changed.

wanna know more about it? stay tune for my recap.


I’m rolling off now.

continue with my books. =)


take care peeps.


Ps: wanted to reply RAchel The Ngiam Pumpkin on her blog, but I seriously got no time. “Old Folks are human too… yah, u are gonna be one someday. If u are afraid of them, means u’re afraid of urself.” HAHA! nah, probably you need time to accept. Cheers!




Thanks to God that He has been my source of strength, and inspiration. =)

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